West Huntspill Academy, New Road, West Huntspill, Highbridge, Somerset, TA9 3QE
Tel: 01278 783842
East Huntspill Academy, New Road, East Huntspill, Highbridge, Somerset, TA9 3PT
Tel: 01278 782453

west@thpa.theplt.org.uk / east@thpa.theplt.org.uk

The Huntspill Primary Academies

WE learn, WE achieve, WE flourish


AttendancE & Absence reporting





01278 783842





01278 782453





We take safeguarding very seriously and it is imperative that we know our pupils are safe, well and accounted for. With this in mind please can we remind you that any absences for your child/children need to be reported daily to the school office.


This can be done through a number of different ways:


* Ring the school office and select absence line to record a voicemail message


* Ring the school office and speak directly to the office staff ( during school hours)


* Report through Weduc by selecting your child and click on ‘report an absence’


* Email the school office


If we have not received a message regarding your child’s absence by 8:45am, we will call parents directly, starting with primary carers. These calls will take place by 9:30am.


If we are unable to get through to parents by this time we will continue to call your contacts in priority order.


If by 10:30am we have still not had any communication regarding your child’s absence and have been unable to speak to anyone on your contacts we will make a final request to have confirmation of their absence.  If we have still not received a reply by 11:30am we will consider conducting a welfare visit, which may involve the police.  


Absences should be reported daily to the school office. 


Please click the link below to see our Attendance Policy.


TPLT Attendance Policy





Do I need to keep my child off School?