West Huntspill Academy, New Road, West Huntspill, Highbridge, Somerset, TA9 3QE
Tel: 01278 783842
East Huntspill Academy, New Road, East Huntspill, Highbridge, Somerset, TA9 3PT
Tel: 01278 782453

west@thpa.theplt.org.uk / east@thpa.theplt.org.uk

The Huntspill Primary Academies

WE learn, WE achieve, WE flourish


Hazel Class

Hazel class is taught by Miss Lodge and is made up of 30 wonderful children from across years 4 and 5.

Also helping in Hazel class is Miss Elsworth and Miss 'M'.

Hazel Class is a very happy, hardworking and friendly class. We all get along well and work hard to be the best we can be. Our classroom is a safe and encouraging learning environment which helps us to grow and develop. We always have lots of our work on display and we are all proud of what we achieve. We enjoy all aspects of our curriculum and take pride in learning together. 

Spring Terms 3 and 4

‘Why is it important to know our place in space?’

During the Spring terms we will be finding out lots about space and our solar system, including famous scientists such as Isaac Newton/Mae Jemison and the things that they discovered. We will also explore the movement of the planets and what part 'forces' play in space. 

In English we are going to be reading 'TrooFriend' together during our whole class guided reading lessons and  'Tyger' by SF Said is our class read aloud. We will of course continue to work hard at improving our spelling, punctuation and handwriting skills every day. The Maths focus for this term is multiplicative relationships and we will be continuing to work on our times tables during daily Maths Fluency. We will be working very hard to improve our recall of multiplication facts ready for the Year 4 Multiplication Times Tables Check in June. 

Please find a half-termly planning overview at the bottom of the page which provides more detail to help support your learning and remember to read as much as you can at home and keep practising those important times tables!

Please ensure you wear your PE kits to school on a Monday and Wednesday as those are our PE days and please make sure your child/children come to school with a coat as the weather can be unpredictable and very cold and wet at this time of year. For the first 5 weeks of Spring Term 3, the children will be going swimming, so will need to bring their swimming things in on a Wednesday. This will replace one session of PE. 

I am really looking forward to another super term where Hazel Class learn lots together!

If you have any queries, please find me on the school playground or contact me via the school office. Thank you, in advance, for all of your hard work and support.

Miss Lodge

Hazel Spring Term Overview 

Phase 3 'Tell me about' Sheet

For remote learning opportunities, please see the resources below.

 Year 3 and 4 spelling list.pdfDownload
 Year 5 and 6 spellings.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Spelling Shed

Click on this link to launch spelling shed! Use this to practise your spelling and grammar.


Times Table Rockstars

Click on this link to launch TTRockstars! Use this to practise your times tables. 



Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) practise test

Click on this link to launch an MTC practise test. Remember Year 4's, this is great practise for your real MTC at the end of the year!


 1. Y4-Spring - 11-and-12-times-table-2019.pdfDownload
 2. Y4-Spring-Multiply-3-numbers.pdfDownload
 3. Y4-SpringFactor-pairs.pdfDownload
 5. Y4. Spring-Written-methods.pdfDownload
 6. Spring-Recap-Multiply-2-digits-by-1-digit-1.pdfDownload
 7. Y4-Spring-Multiply-2-digits-by-1-digit.pdfDownload
 8. Y4-Spring-Multipl-3-digits-by-1-digit.pdfDownload
 9. Spring-Divide-2-digits-by-1-digit-2.pdfDownload
 10. Y4-Spring-Divide-2-digits-by-1-digit-2.pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 12

Multiplication and Division


 1.-Spring-Recap Unit-and-non-unit-fractions-2019.pdfDownload
 2. Y4-Spring - What-is-a-fraction.pdfDownload
 3. Spring-Recap-Tenths.pdfDownload
 4. - Spring -Recap- Count-in-tenths.pdfDownload
 5. - Spring-Recap-Equivalent-fractions-1.pdfDownload
 6. Recap-Equivalent-fractions-2.pdfDownload
 7. Y4-Spring - Equivalent-fractions-1.pdfDownload
 8. Y4-SpringEquivalent-fractions-2.pdfDownload
 9. Y4-Spring-Fractions-greater-than-1.pdfDownload
 10. Y4-Spring-Count-in-fractions.pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 19